Managing a blog along with school, soccer and college applications is a very tough thing to do. Add the actual knitting project on top and you've got yourself a full week of work. But somehow I seem to be managing, if some of that entails procrastinating on the less important things on the to-do list. Of course, my jacket and blog are not on the less important list, and especially with the fall weather blowing in, a new jacket, and a handmade one at that, is even more of a priority.
In the past week I finished the bottom half of my sweater for one side of the front, and now that it's looking more and more like an actual sweater, I'm getting very excited. Even though it's not even halfway done, I'm still motivated and itching for it to be finished so I can wear it. This time around, when picking up the stitches on the sides of the waistband, I was careful to work out a way to pick up the stitches so they were evenly spaced and not bunched up at the end when I was trying to make the last 10 stitches out of two. I think it looks quite a bit better than my previous attempts and took considerably less time with less ripping out of the picked up stitches. So, naturally I was also in a much better mood as well.
Picking up stitches on both sides of the waistband turned out better this time than before. |
I'm hoping to finish the top half of the left front of the jacket and then start on the opposite side. I also will probably be doing some research about blocking the sweater in pieces versus as a whole once I'm finished, but I may wait until I'm closer to finishing before I do that. Slowly but surely I'm getting there and I can't wait to be done!