My only real writing experience has been elementary school book reports, literary analysis (way too many of these), standardized test essays and the newspaper article I mentioned before. So, writing a blog is completely new to me. Along with being a knitting blog, this could turn out to be an experimental writing development opportunity. But I hope not, and I'm getting ahead of myself. As in any good piece of writing, I should probably start with an introduction.
This blog is a knitting blog. With wit, I hope. My goal is to share my projects with the community while stretching my creative abilities. But I also want to have fun with this and turn it into something that I will want to continue after my first documented project. I would prefer that this is a light, casual and fun read about projects, an easy and fun way to follow a pattern. I think that patterns with commentary are more entertaining and motivating than just plain instructions.
Along with the patter of the sweater I'm planning to make and document, this project is a way for me to learn more about the creative elements of knitting and also about different techniques and fibers of various knitting cultures. In all, this is a total learning experience for me, but also a fun and worthwhile one, hoping that I end up with a finished product.
So, putting all my hesitations aside, and armed with a pair of knitting needles, all the other necessary supplies and a pattern, I'm off, ready to embark (with all clichés possible) on this exciting strand of adventure.
Can't wait to learn about your knitting history and plans for what's next! You write like you talk - an uncommon talent. I'll stay tuned!